How to Self-Care at Home -Simple Tips For Winter

How to Self-Care at Home -Simple Tips For Winter

Skin Care Tips for Winter:  

Winter is coming. It is essential to take care of your skin, especially in the winter  The sensation of dry skin indicates that the weather has changed and that winter has arrived. Winter also conjures up images of fresh lush green gardens, spiking hair caused by a cold breeze, breath dispersing like a gas vapor, windows splattered with dews of fog, wet shoulders, dripping umbrella spokes, and, in general, the world taking on a new appearance.

As soon as the weather changes, we experience dry skin, rough texture, and scaliness.  Irritated skin, Cracked skin, Itching, Burning, and Redness are the adverse results if one is not following the skincare routine. Aside from climate change, all of these symptoms are caused by a lack of hydration, a lack of nutrients, a lack of appropriate winter protection clothing, and so on.

Today we’ll discuss some effective home remedies for moisturizing and repairing dry skin.

First, use a body mist to hydrate your skin throughout the day. Spraying plain water on your skin will cause it to become more dehydrated and tighter. Hence, the moisturizing agent should be included in the body mist.

Try this hibiscus and rosewater face spray if you have it in the body mist. 



  1. Take five hibiscus flowers, add a glass of water, and boil for 10 minutes. 
  2. Cool and strain the liquid, then add a teaspoon of rose water. 
  3. Fill a spray bottle with this liquid and keep it on hand at all times. 
  4. Spray every 2 to 3 hours, or whenever your skin feels dry.

Whomsoever travels often face this during winter; the exterior skin from lips goes weary and peels off. If goes worse will result in excruciating pain. To overcome this, we wet our lips with our tongue every now and then. Instead, the remedy is to apply ghee or butter, which will help you tremendously.

Because of the cold winter weather, we would prefer to take a long hot water bath. However, hot water can deplete your skin’s natural oil, leaving it dry and rough. Bathe in lukewarm water and take a quick shower, keeping your bath time from five to seven minutes. Remember to avoid harsh soaps that will instantly dry your skin.

If necessary, use a glycerin-based soap.

Because we don’t feel thirsty in the winter, we don’t drink enough water. This may result in skin dryness. Take at least eight glasses of water to stay hydrated. You can also incorporate fruit juices, milk buttermilk, coconut water, and other beverages into your routines.

Consume a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds and walnuts, as well as anti-oxidant-rich foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. All of these will keep your skin healthy and prevent dryness.


Tips for hair

During the winter, we all tend to have extremely dry, rough, and dull hair. This is due to a lack of moisture in the air, which is why you need separate hair care routines for winter.

Hair mask:

Winter hair mask with deep conditioning

Combine the butter, milk, olive oil, and castor oil in a bowl and apply the mask to your scalp and tip. To avoid using chemicals, use a natural hair mask. Soak a towel in hot water and gently wring out the excess water, or simply place the towel in the microwave and wrap it around your head for 20 to 30 minutes. then wash your hair with mild non-chemical shampoo; this process is very effective because it opens the pores and nourishes the scalp.

Tips for health  

Winter requires us to pay extra attention to what we eat because the season requires us to be warm and healthy with the persistent risk of flu, viral, cold, and cough. We’ve compiled a list of seven such superfoods that you can include in your winter diet to stay healthy.

To fight the cold weather, you must make dietary changes which include intake of ginger, jaggery, nuts, sesame, sweet potato, citrus fruits, turmeric, ghee, and drinks, which can naturally keep you warm.


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