Benefits Of Reading Books - Does knowledge Expand Your Mind?

Benefits Of Reading Books – Does knowledge Expand Your Mind?

Many think that keeping books at home is the habit of a few luxuriant home decorators. Your mind will be expanded by reading, and this effect can last a lifetime. Early childhood to the final years is when they start. Here’s a quick explanation of how reading books can improve both your health and your brain.

Who are those few people?

  • People who are not simplistic like the majority of common people.
  • The daily routine of common people is supposed to be this: to wake up, buy groceries for lunch, go to work, curse traffic during transit, watch soaps or debates on TV, engage in domestic fights or romance, get to sleep, and daydream that someday they are going to be rich and have everything. After all, it is just a passing momentum. 
  • In the film ‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’, Mary Todd Lincoln used to say: “Do you know why the world is filled with plenty of common people, Abe (Abraham)?” Because God likes them making too much.’ 
  • The fundamental flaw in the perspective of ordinary people is that book reading is confined to those who have leaped to the top layer of economics. A daily wager doesn’t have time to read when he is busy with his knuckle-cracking, back-breaking work for the daily bread. It’s also confirmed that an unbreakable chain is cuffed over common people to continue like that.
  • No escape. They are not the thinking population, who agitate when they are emotionally broke or commit suicide or murder those who are responsible for their pain. That’s the most they are capable of thinking.

Is this statement true or biased truth or the living truth of the ages? Who can say?

  1. If I put myself into the world of the common woman, perhaps I don’t know how to talk, behave, or cultivate creativity by not observing what I see, listen to, and sense. What is the worst possible thing I can do?
  2. Keep my mouth shut. Be an introvert. But, inside I’m raging war against myself and others or else burst out despite circumstances, After you’ve said, run, exhausted, drain away all the lubricative fluids in your body enough, most introverts don’t even know they are introverts. Being quiet is not the answer. Ranting about the pain is also not good.
  3. If anxiety, microaggression, exasperation, all forms of fear, or violence scare you too much about the future, not just presence, perplexed, paralyzed by thought, guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, all forms of non-forgiveness piled up as knots in your mind, when will you begin to live again? 

It was said that the Father of the Indian Constitution Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was asked by one of his professors

 What is the purpose of education?

  • He remarkably replied: “It helps us tremendously to study the world, understand the world.
  • The purpose of educating ourselves is not just to understand the world alone but, to change the world and its course.
  • This answer fits rightly into the cultivated habit of reading. Reading is about knowing yourself and the world around you. And that simple skill can change the outcome of your life. 
  • A thinking man is unstoppable to act. What happens when one reads the right books?
  • Bringing hold, expanding trust in goodness, breaking rules, pushing edges, challenging imposed and historically sugar-coated beliefs of what ‘acceptable’ and ‘expected’ really are, aware of exploitation, measures to shackle the invisible chains tied to frozen thoughts, cease abuse, dampen prejudice, demolish social injustice, remove poverty, perseverance to uphold self-esteem, bring about ill-doings into the pursuit of justice, manage grief and turn it into joyful contentment.

Books for example:

  • Initially, I read the novel “Bitter Harvest’ by Ann Rule, which gave an alternative perspective on wickedness based on the real-life story of Debora Green, who murdered her husband, Dr. Michael Farrar, along with her two children.
  • A few years later, I read the novel “Flowers in the Attic’ by Virginia Andrews, which is similar in nature to the mother who locks her four children in the attic in order to re-marry. 
  • Then, about a shy, lean Jewish girl of 12 years, who made her hideout in Stockholm, Netherlands along with her family, fearing they couldn’t survive on their own, she kept entries in a tiny notebook that subtly screamed a lot about the effects of fascism under the iron-hands of Nazi Hitler. ‘ The book “Diary of a Young Girl” gave me nightmares even after finishing it for at least a month.
  • In contrast to the above three, which showcased the before and after effects of wickedness, casualties of war from a child’s eye, what strengthened the courage, and built a never-give-up attitude toward womanhood after reading the novel “The Colour Purple” by Alice Walker. It changed my flat opinion and surface-level understanding of the female identity of transcending from an ‘uneducated’ maid to a “self-taught” black person under the political & social regime of racism and slavery.  
  • By the order of my readers, it’s clear the perspective towards people, things deepened book after book, bringing about socio-Econo-political consciousness, exploring wanderlust yet not losing focus about the things that happen to us and around us.
  • Book reading prepared me to live outside societal expectations without compromising real virtues, to nurture and accept people’s differences, shaping my life mission on establishing democracy- respect liberty based on human values, equality, kith & kinship to spread across the world.
  • Money doesn’t matter to having the habit of reading books. If you are short of cash, abundant public libraries are available with stockpiles of books, and e-books flow free into your lap through the internet or mobile if you search and download. No excuses.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves” – Holocaust Survivor Writer Viktor Frankl (1946 – Man’s Search For Meaning)

In the film “The Edge’ when a man-hunting bear chases them in the wild, protagonist Antony Hopkins determines to fight the beast while his pal Alec Baldwin is hesitant and fearsome. Hopkin screams, “Come on! If one man can do it, the other can also do it.

By reading books we all can.



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