How to take care of your hair at home

How to take care of your hair at home

  The natural way of nourishing your hair. Exposure to extreme weather, pollution, emotional factors like stress, and diseases associated with aging like medicines used for heart conditions, blood thinners, chemical-infused food, and cosmetic products, contributes to the growth & fall of hair.

Two diversifying approaches are required

  1. Preventive Hair Care
  2. Hair Damage Recovery

Before starting how to deal with various types of hair, considering its thickness, curl, color, and rigidity, we need to know about the type of scalp among people.

  1. Normal Scalp
  2. Oily Scalp
  3. Dry Scalp
  4. Combination Scalp

The scalp is the bridging between hair and skin secrets sebaceous glands, follicles, and sweat glands. It could contribute to unhealthy hair and vice versa. These varying types of scalp define how much to keep your hair moisturized, cleanse, and apply a number of products including oils. A bad scalp reflects skin flakes over shoulders and combed hair.

Hair is interlinked with Food & Lifestyle

  1. Internal Care
  2. External Care

Food falls under internal care which plays a key role in defining your diet to a further extent. A healthy diet with required care can keep your hair intact and healthy.

  • When it comes to food, hair is fundamentally made up of protein which is technically called keratin. The minimum daily amount of protein required for your body is 45 grams
  • They can be supplemented by the intake of balanced multivitamins, proteins, and fatty acids present in the below categories of food. Balanced food that is composite in nature. for example, zinc supplements in multi-vitamins help hair strengthening & Omega-3 in fatty acids are special lookout for a healthy scalp, stimulating hair follicles, and sebaceous glands from these foods:
  • Unprocessed Fresh Meat
  • freshwater fishes especially Salmon, Sardines, Herring, Strout
  • Country beans
  • Nuts and Spices
  • Flax Seeds
  • Dairy & Poultry Farm products

External Care:

  1. Coconut Oil

    Applying coconut oil before washing has three advantages: Prevent Damage, Grow, and Transform Hair into a Stylish & Shiny one.

People with a dry scalp or skin conditions that cause dryness, such as eczema, may also benefit from coconut oil’s moisturizing effects. Anyone with a serious skin condition should use coconut oil as part of food preparation & external application over the damaged area.

  1. Cleansing Hair on a regular timespan

Washing hair regularly helps a healthy scalp and strong hair and removes excess oil content. Before shampooing, combing and soft massaging over the scalp gently helps cleanse the scalp by stimulating sebum production. Thoroughly wet the scalp and hair with warm water that is close to body temperature.


     3.  Go For Chemical-Free Shampoos:

• Out of several shampoos recommended in India, choose the right ones based on the remedy you want for your hair as shampoos are available for specific hair problems like hair fall, dandruff, dry frizzy, or both.
• For oily scalp, use a mild cleanser
• If you have buildup on your scalp, of course, this contains fermented rice water shampoo.
• Use good sulfate-free shampoo for your dry frizzy hair. It really strengthens the length of your hair.

Natural best way to deep condition your hair:

Conditioner smoothes the outer layers of our hair strands by penetrating the hair cuticles.

Deep conditioners that are hydrating or moisturizing come first. It will make your hair softer and smoother. These are primarily utilized to make our hair stronger. It’s critical to strike a balance between moisture and protein. Between these two types of deep conditioners, there is a third type. 

Deep conditioning aids in the penetration of the hair cuticles in terms of Smoothening, straightening, and coloring as well as a recovery mechanism for damaged hair.

If applied with a lot of oils and your hair is only slightly moist, deep conditioning after shampooing is totally acceptable in a typical wash day routine.


Divide the hair into smaller sections before applying the deep conditioner mask to make sure it reaches every area of the hair.

  1. Applying a DC mask to wet hair.

        • Honey + Banana

 2. Make a smooth paste out of it
• Honey + Yogurt
• Methi seeds: Soak the methi seeds overnight and crush them into a smooth paste with a bit of soaking water.

(The ingredient measurements do not have to be exact and can be altered.)

Oil Hair Properly.
Use a wide-toothed comb to align your hair.
Trim your hair regularly.



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