How to teach your teen to be responsible

 How to teach your teen to be responsible


It can be difficult as a parent to know how to adequately prepare your child for the working world. This guide will assist you in making your teen feel more responsible and prepared to face the challenges of life. Here’s how you can instill responsibility in your child.

Parents use to puzzle their own lack of technique to do so when their words go inert to their teens at home. As adolescence approaches, levels of conscientiousness blossom in your teen’s mind like a fountain. They undergo so many emotional, social, and academic challenges during these transitions that they’ll likely pretend to stick to the old habits. The conflict between inevitable change and disappearing old comforts stumbles the stability and that’s what growth means, which they slowly evolve and learn naturally.

Be clear about consequences:

Hearing excuses from teens, tardiness, not focussing on studies, spending more screen time, taking a long time for a bath, being late, and spending more time picking the right dress, and makeup, and pre-plan things to take before leaving home are few behaviors parents can’t cope up with and get pulled into believing that it is an unavoidable situation.

In addition, further interaction with stating your teen’s unhealthy behavior in unhealthy ways adds up to the worst. You move cautiously around your child because you anticipate their reaction. When you remind your teen daughter that she needs to do things on her own, you know she’ll start making excuses. You wonder if you should just stay home and let her weep, slam, and lock herself in her room, stage a big silent or hunger protest, and risk her taking her rage out on other family members. Demand your teen to do whatever you say and not provide lame excuses for not doing it on your own once in a while. It’s a daydreaming determination to raise a responsible teen. If you always do your teen daughter’s thinking for her, she will never get the commit her life to learning and evolving.


All of this treads way to a sense of fatalism on your teen’s part:

your daughter actually begins to believe she can’t alter her behaviour and mistakes that is her uniqueness to differ from others. She also concludes that your expectations are beyond her mettle, and none is hers to partake, take responsibility for, and put into action. Hitherto, she forbids and ignores making things better. The teenage transition is packed with a lot of dense psychological and physical transformation. Hence, it’s delicate to care, assist and show the right way to do the right things. Meanwhile, it is better to set up responsible habits long before the transitions occur or go for corrective measures once the change has occurred.

Help bring a Role Model

Instead of talking or preaching, do the deed and show your teen daughter what a responsible person means. Organize things neatly, allocate enough time to talk, chitchat, garden, exercise, prepare refreshments with zeal, reading time, constructive screen time, go for a walk and play games with family members. let your teen witness the daily number of chores you do, taking care of paying bills, how to budget and deal with daily provisions, and the variety of food with a strong sense of health and hygiene.

Start with yourself. If parents are just available for lip service and don’t walk the talk, the youngest adolescents interpret them as a sign of hypocrisy and conclude that their parents do not live by their words. Instead of becoming mature and responsible enough to make independent choices, they muddle into trouble distinguishing between responsibilities, wishes, and wants. Parents should stop being a watch tower, and not put excessive pressure on their teen daughters to be someone they’re not. It may create an adverse effect of not turning herself to be more prompt, self-disciplined, and dependable.

Help to be assertive and organized

The common issue with teens is their carelessness & excessive sleep time or disturbingly long screen time. Sleep patterns during adolescence make it difficult for teens to get to sleep before 11 pm, and nearly impossible to wake up in time to catch the bus or make it to homeroom on time. What that means is that when your daughter has to get up early to get to school, in reality, she is working against a biological drive to sleep. On the contrary, if your teen daughter’s biology doesn’t match up with the demands of external influences, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up on the daily insanity of getting your teen up and out of the house.

Help by encouraging children to be responsible

At times, put yourself into your teen’s shoes. Most of the time parents are not necessarily aware that they have crossed boundaries. There are signs that you have stepped into your child’s box: Making her feel frazzled, frustrated, annoyed by your presence and a long gap of silence or hesitance during dialogues are a few of the tormenting phases. Know what the triggers are that cause you to jump from your box to hers. Try to increase your awareness of yourself. If not, we only create more dependency. And dependency in relationships doesn’t encourage kids to be responsible for themselves.


A healthy emotional separateness between you and your child is necessary, because it allows your teen to mirror herself, and pick up what is essential and must one should do, hence, she could see himself more clearly.

Wasting enormous amounts of energy in lecturing their kids leads often to no avail. Despite the lectures, your daughter won’t clean their room, empty the dishwasher, complete their homework, or apologize to their little brother which is nagging, excessive preaching won’t drive your daughter into action. It proves to be an ineffective parenting technique. Constant lecturing develops the ability to be emotionally separate from you. You think your lectures are helpful, but they actually aid her irresponsibility. That’s because she learns to react to you instead of being responsible for himself. Make your teen daughter accountable with effective consequences if she doesn’t follow the rules that are meaningful and yield success. The key is that you’re taking responsibility for what you will as a parent and won’t mess her world and holding her instead of letting her deal with the consequences. No lectures, no preaching, no criticizing, no personalizing.

Respect her ability to make choices, even if you don’t agree with them. Most likely earn her respect. The care and pampering aren’t to change her which is evidently clear that many parents fail. Her destiny is to become a strong, clear, inspiring individual who she respects.

Help Teach Decision-Making Skills

  • How do parents allow teens to decide when it is their choice to make, not theirs? There are many areas where teens do and should have control over their choices. If the choice:
  • Is not allowed to risk on health or safety of the teen.
  • Explore things out of her own interests with caution and care, and opportunities & tools to be provided to tap her abilities or preferences.
  • Doing things and sharing thoughts won’t adversely affect others.
  • Then it probably is an area where the teen should and could make their own decisions. Also, it’s delicate for parents to handle, and allow teens to make their own choices, even if they don’t think their teen or others will necessarily be “hurt” by a poor decision.
  • They feel they know what is best.
  • They want to shield their teen from hurt or disappointment.
  • They are concerned that the decision made is holistic and admitted by their teens despite choice or acceptance.
  • To hold a grip on their daughter’s mind, and material, to maintain control over the teen’s life.

However, teens cannot learn to be responsible without the chance to practice making decisions. Therefore, parents must work to encourage teens to approach decision-making in a thoughtful manner. Below are the steps that are involved in good decision-making.

Steps in Decision Making

  • Distinguish Essential, Non-Essential, Wishes, Wants
  • Apply thought before driving herself into action
  • Check on the alternatives in case interruptions occur while they are crossing half the well.
  • Predict consequences – Be vigilant while taking risks, and have a plan of mitigation over contingency.
  • Do retrospectives, share feedback, open to other’s opinions if it expands her mind
  • Act and evaluate.
  • Manage time without compromising the biological clock and instincts
  • Encourage book reading, creative hobbies, and sports activities – Indirectly she can cope with emotional and physiological wellness

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